By Lauren Fletcher
Lauren Fletcher graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill in May 2023 with a B.S. in quantitative biology and a minor in chemistry. She is currently leading mountain biking and hiking adventures as an activity guide at The Ranch at Rock Creek in Philipsburg, Montana.
What is the Carolina Outing Club?
The Carolina Outing Club (COC) was founded in 2021 by UNC student Charles Blanton with the intention of promoting access to the outdoors and building the Carolina community. Getting involved in the outdoors is intimidating to newcomers, which is where COC comes in as an approachable, welcoming space to get out of your comfort zone. The team of twenty expedition staffers lead outings for all experience levels ranging from one hour sunset strolls in the Battle Park trails to weekend long backpacking trips. In just two years, COC has grown to 440 club members!
What does involvement look like?
Over my past year on the leadership team I have taken groups hiking, swimming and camping at Eno Quarry, Jordan Lake, and Falls Lake to name a few. That being said, each of the COC expedition staffers has their niche, meaning there is something for everyone and always something new to try. To highlight a few of our awesome expedition staff:
- Cate Shultz does her weekly run to the Carrboro farmer’s market for sweet potato donuts;
- Certified yoga instructor Taylor Shinal leads joint yoga and journaling sessions in Coker Arboretum; and
- Caroline Chen organized the annual ski trip for the second year in a row!
The list goes on to include backpacking trips in Grayson Highlands, kayaking on the Haw River, indoor rock climbing, campfire building, slack-lining and so much more. The best part about COC is whether you have never hiked or are a seasoned pro, we are all just excited to meet new people and get outdoors!
Going beyond outdoor adventure
COC hosts community events focused less on activities and more on getting to know fellow club members. Community events are open to all UNC students and aimed at recruiting new members. D Kim leads this social initiative and organizes events such as the semi-annual “COC Kickoff” campfire meet-and-greet and Friday Spike Ball in the quad. This year, D and I organized an end of year event with live music from two student bands (Alice Blue Band and Braless) and an outdoorsy dress code.
The most fulfilling parts of leading outings have been helping other students find their place at UNC and watching friendships form. Nothing brings me more joy than seeing club members decide to become roommates or form running groups after meeting at COC events.
COC is also involved in environmental outreach and education. In the fall, COC hosted its first guest speaker, journalist Ken Ilgunas, thanks to funding from the UNC Institute of the Environment. Ken Ilgunas shared the story of his 1700-mile hike along the proposed route of the Keystone XL pipeline documented in his book Trespassing Across America and encouraged students to find their own adventure. This event educated students on the environmental damages of oil drilling in Alaska and offered the opportunity to meet a passionate author in the field of environmental action.
Friendship and community
Coming out of the pandemic in 2021 as a transfer student, COC was the first community at UNC that made me feel at home. For that reason, the most fulfilling parts of leading outings have been helping other students find their place at UNC and watching friendships form. Nothing brings me more joy than seeing club members decide to become roommates or form running groups after meeting at COC events. My involvement in the COC has grown my love for the outdoor community and I’m excited to watch the club keep growing.
UNC students interested in getting involved with the COC should check out our Instagram @carolinaoutingclub for details on how to join and upcoming events! After joining you will have access to sign-ups for outings. If you have ideas for the club, want to collaborate or have other questions, email our Vice President